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Campaign Creation Guide
Campaign Creation Guide

How to create your first campaign on GSM360

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Written by GSM360 Support
Updated yesterday

The Dashboard is the first page you see upon logging in. On the page, click the + Create New Campaign button on the right. This button is also available in the Campaigns page.

Once you click on the + Create New Campaign button, you will land on the Add Campaign page.

Campaign creation is divided into 5 mandatory sections: Information, Budget, Targeting, Creatives and Bid Multiplier.

This article will go through each section in detail.

01 Information

In this section, you will be filling all the basic information about the campaign:

  • Campaign Name

    This is entirely up to you, but we suggest you keep to a specific nomenclature for all your campaign names, such as this format: Country_CreativeType_OS_Product

    Example: DE_Video_iOS_ShoppingApp.

  • Deal ID

    Deal ID is a unique alphanumeric code given to a direct deal done via programmatic between the advertiser and the publisher. It is specific to a preferred deal or private auction. The campaign competes for the impression only in the preferred deal or private auction and thus becomes ineligible to compete for the impression in the Open Auction.

    You can enter multiple Deal IDs as comma-separated values. This feature enables you to use multiple PMP deals in one campaign.

  • Time Zone

    The default time standard for all campaigns is UTC (GMT +0), and you cannot change this.

  • Schedule

    The default start date and time is locked the moment you create the campaign, in UTC time zone. You can set this to the future - if you are creating campaigns in advance for the upcoming weekend, for example.

    The campaign will run indefinitely unless you check the End Date box. This feature is helpful if you are running a promotional offer or a time-sensitive campaign.

  • Time Schedule

    The default option is Run ads all the time, which means that the campaign will run 24/7. However, if you plan to run within a specific time frame, select Run ads on a schedule instead.

    A schedule is useful if you want to target active hours based on the countries selected or if you want to reach users at the time where engagement may be higher. For example, if a fast food chain was running a campaign to attract customers for their breakfast menu, they would run their ads in the morning to ensure maximum relevance.

    Note: If you run campaigns using our CPI optimization type, our algorithm takes care of the time of the day and optimizes the delivery based on its learnings to deliver more impressions during the time when it can get the best CPI and scale.

02 Budget

In this section, you will fill in information such as campaign goal, budget allocation and cappings.

  • Optimization Type

    You can select any of three optimization goal types available in the platform for each campaign. Each type adjusts the bid price based on what is most important for each advertiser.

    • CPM:

      This goal type will bid a flat CPM rate. It should be used in cases where there is no machine learning optimization event or if the advertiser's KPI is reach or cost-related.

    • CPC:

      The CPC algorithm will optimize for the most efficient bid price to maintain an advertiser's expected cost per click.

      CPC optimization should be used beyond when the primary KPI is CPC to support the re-engagement of users who have already completed an install and in cases where there is no event to optimize towards.

    • CPI:

      This is the most advanced algorithm recommended for any app-to-app or app-to-web advertiser with significant events to support machine learning.

      The CPI algorithm should be used for any advertiser with a KPI for an in-app or onsite event.

Note: You can select only 1 Optimization Type per campaign and this cannot be changed once the campaign is saved.

  • Creative Type

    There are 4 creative types to choose from: Image, HTML, Video and Native.

    Please refer to the Creative Specifications and Guidelines for more information. You can run only 1 Creative Type per campaign, so it is best to understand how each creative type can add value to a campaign.

    • Banner Assets (Image)

      • Simple and easy to produce.

      • Can be static or animated as GIFs.

      • Increase reach at scale with call-to-action messaging.

      • Find viewable placements in front of valuable users.

      • Expand app publisher variety through banner creatives, as they are the most common placement for non-gaming publishers.

    • Rich Media and Playable Assets (HTML)

      • Acquire new users with engaging custom content.

      • Drive Click-Through performance by increasing user interaction.

      • Improve Lifetime value, offering new users a look inside before the need for an install.

      • This Playable and Viewable creative type is a tailored and valuable addition to any in-app campaign.esigned to be Responsive across all devices and orientations. It is recommended to run on Fullscreen formats such as Rewarded and Interstitial as they naturally provide higher engagement levels.

    • Video Assets

      • Come in various sizes and duration, catering to a wide range of ad formats.

      • Increase brand awareness for new or little-known brands.

      • Drive click-through performance with engaging video and end cards.

      • Guarantee a completed video view through Rewarded, unskippable placements (for first 15 seconds of video)

      • Increase reach at an efficient cost through Interstitial placements.

    • Native Assets

      • Share brand details with the additional description and call to action.

      • Integrate seamlessly with publisher content.

      • Expand reach and improve performance.

  • Target CPM

    Target CPM is the maximum CPM you would like to achieve for your campaign. It is applicable only when the CPM Optimization Type is selected.

  • Limit Max Bid

    While the algorithm is optimizing for CPC or CPI, bidding happens on CPM. The model calculates a predicted probability of conversion (click/install) and prices the impression on CPM accordingly.

    This feature allows you to control the maximum CPM you want to bid on each impression while still leveraging the CPC or CPI model.

    This field is applicable only when the CPC or CPI Optimization Type is selected and is switched on by default. When switched on, the Max Bid (CPM) field appears.

  • Max Bid (CPM)

    Max Bid (CPM) is the maximum CPM you want to bid on each impression. This field is applicable only when the CPC or CPI Optimization Type is selected.

  • Target CPC/CPI

    Target CPC or CPI is the CPC or CPI you would like to achieve for your campaign. This field is applicable only when the CPC or CPI Optimization Type is selected.

  • Budget Capping

    Budget Capping allows you to limit the amount you want to spend on the campaign daily or in total.

    For example, if you want to spend a maximum of $100 a day, you can indicate that in the Daily field. If the campaign has a fixed budget of $5,000 overall, you can indicate that in the Total field.

    Note: Campaign will stop serving when it hits the daily budget or the total budget caps.

  • Impression Capping

    Impression Capping allows you to limit the number of impressions served in the campaign daily or in total and does not factor in pacing. By default, this field is switched off. If this is enabled, you have the option of switching on the Impression Pacing field as well.

  • Frequency Capping

    Frequency Capping allows you to limit the number of times that your ad will be shown to a user over a period of time. This ensures that your ad does not get served to the same users too often within a given number of days (to avoid audience fatigue).

    By default, None is selected. If Impressions is selected, the Max (number of times) field and the maximum number of Days field will appear.

  • Impression Interval per User

    This field allows you to set the minimum amount of time that should lapse between two consecutive impressions seen by the user. By default, No Pacing is selected. If Custom is selected, you can indicate the number of minutes, up to 1440 minutes (24 hours).

    Note: Setting a very high value of impression pacing can result in missed bidding opportunities and under-delivery.

  • Bid Shading

    Bid Shading predicts the best bid value for every request eligible for your campaign. It optimizes bid prices to achieve the lowest eCPM while maintaining the desired win rate. By default, this field is switched on.

    Note: This suits most cases, except when you know your target audience, e.g. in retargeting campaigns. Optimizing bids could lead to lower bids and a reduced win rate. This results in a lesser number of impressions won and a lower percentage of the audience reached.

  • Impression Pacing

    Impression Pacing aims to distribute the impressions evenly across hours (depending on inventory volume) and evenly across days for the entire campaign duration. By default, this field is switched off. If you want to enable this, you have to switch on Impression Capping.

    Note: The hourly impression distribution is based on historical inventory availability. Therefore, the absolute evenness during the day cannot be predicted. In the case of a minor over- or under-delivery on a particular day, the remaining impressions for the campaign will be spread evenly across the remaining number of days, thereby normalizing uneven distribution.

  • Budget Pacing

    Budget Pacing aims to distribute the campaign budget evenly across the campaign duration and across a day to prevent the budget from being exhausted earlier (depending on inventory volume). By default, this field is switched on and is applicable to only CPM and CPC Optimization Types.

    Note: Budget Pacing does not distribute the campaign budget evenly across a day, but rather in relation to the volume of traffic availability. If turned off, the campaign will have an accelerated delivery and might exhaust the budget before the end of the day or end date.

  • Bundle/Domain Diversity

    This feature allows you to diversify your advertising spend across different Bundles or Domains. When switched on, you can set the maximum spend allowance for each Bundle/Domain.

    Any Bundle/Domain that goes over limit gets automatically blacklisted. If you increase the budget, the Bundle/Domain might be removed from the blacklisted list during the next check. By default, this field is switched off.

    Keep this on if you are doing manual optimization and do not want to risk spending too much on any one Bundle/Domain without checking its performance.

  • Auto Exclusion

    This feature automatically excludes placements that are not performing well. When switched on, you can set the amounts based on your requirements.

    By default, this field is switched off.

    Note: It is recommended to not use Auto Exclusion for CPI campaigns as it will add another optimization logic on top of Auto Blacklisting.

  • Creative Optimization

    Creative Optimization gives preference to creatives that are performing better. By default, this field is applicable to only CPI Optimization Type and is switched off.

  • Auto Blacklisting

    Auto Blacklisting will automatically blacklist Placement IDs that are not performing well.

    The algorithm looks at performance of app placements and calculates the probability of whether an app will perform well for the campaign or not. If the model predicts that the app is not a good fit, it will automatically blacklist it for the specific campaign. It will remain blacklisted for some days but it can be removed after a few days to test and see if the performance has improved.

    By default, this field is applicable to only CPI Optimization Type and is switched off.

    If you are using other Optimization Types or prefer more granular control and want to manually blacklist Placement IDs, refer to the Black List segment of the Targeting section.

03 Targeting

In this section, you will fill in targeting criteria such as location, exchange, device and white/blacklists.

  • Country/States/Cities

    Country targeting is a mandatory field. You can toggle between Include and Exclude by clicking on the buttons next to the fields.

    The selection of States and Cities will be populated based on the Countries chosen. For example, if you had selected United States, you will only be seeing US States and Cities in the respective dropdowns.

  • Zip Code

    Zip Code targeting is enabled only if one country is selected. The field will be locked if multiple countries are selected. Do note that there is a maximum of 20 characters per Zip Code and a maximum of 1,000 Zip Codes in total. Only hyphens, commas, numerals, alphabets and wildcards (*) are allowed.

    To target a range of Zip Codes, you can use * as a wildcard. For instance, 107** allows you to target 10712, 107AB etc.

    Note: Zip Codes will not be verified against the country. If the Zip Codes are not for the selected country, ads will not be served to that audience.

  • Lat-Long

    Lat-Long allows hyperlocal targeting, such as the location of an airport. Do note this narrows down the inventory greatly and may also drive the bid price up.

    Coordinates must be in the following format:

    Latitude 1, Longitude 1, Radius 1 | Latitude 2, Longitude 2, Radius 2, etc.

    Latitude can range from -90 to 90. Longitude can range from -180 to 180. Radius is defined in miles and can range from 0.5 to 999 with 2 decimal points.

    Note: There is a limit of 2,500 geo-locations in total.

  • Exchanges

    We offer a wide range of supply integrations and support multiple Creative Types. Advertisers can leverage different exchanges to run their campaigns and get the advantage of winning the same publisher's inventory across different positions in the publisher's waterfall. For a full list of ad exchanges we are integrated with, click here.

    You have the option to run across all exchanges by leaving the Exchanges field blank.

    Note: Approval is based on criteria such as Creative Type & Campaign Category (e.g. Entertainment or Personal Finance). If a new exchange is added anytime after the campaign has already been approved, please reach out to the AM team for re-approvals.

  • Traffic Type

    We have access to global traffic of over 1Bn QPS. This is largely split into App (85%) and Mobile Web (15%), though this fluctuates depending on criteria such as Country, Ad Format or Creative Size.

    With App traffic, you have the additional option of granular and contextually relevant targeting based on an App's Category, Genre and Sub-genre with the Smart App Categories feature.

    You can select either of these options in the dropdown list. By default, All is selected.

  • Network Type

    Network Type refers to the network connection type of the mobile device, in this case, WIFI and Cellular. You can select either of these options in the dropdown list. By default, All is selected. To target specific carriers, select Cellular and another dropdown list will appear below.

  • Carriers

    Carrier-targeting is applicable when Network Type selected is Cellular. The selection of Carriers will be populated based on the Countries chosen. For example, if you had selected United States, you will only be seeing US carriers in the dropdown.

  • OS

    OS refers to the Operating System of the mobile device. By default, both Android and iOS are selected.

  • OS Version

    The options available are All and Specific Version.

    • All

      Target all versions including unknown OS versions.

    • Specific Version

      Target specific versions such as iOS 17.6, 18.0 and 18.1.

    The selection of OS Versions will be populated based on the OS chosen. For example, if you had selected iOS, you will only be seeing iOS versions. By default, All is selected.

  • Device Identifier

    A Device Identifier is a unique string of characters or numbers that helps track and identify a specific device, such as a smartphone or a tablet. You have the option to do granular targeting based on whether Device ID information is present in the bid request or not. The options available are Present, Missing, or Both. By default, Both is selected.

  • Device Type

    The options available are Phone, Tablet or All. By default, All is selected.

  • Device Manufacturer

    This refers to the brand of the mobile device and will be based on the OS selected. For example, if you had selected iOS, you will only be seeing Apple in the dropdown list.

  • Device Language

    This refers to the language of the mobile device that the user has configured, for example, English or Russian.

  • Smart App Categories

    Smart App Categories provide a uniform, consistent and granular categorization of both Gaming and Non-Gaming apps across Play Store and App Store. As of this update, Smart App Categories consist of 8 Categories, 42 Genres and 350 Sub-genres, allowing granular and contextually relevant targeting.

Note: Smart App Categories feature works only with in-app traffic.

  • White List / Black List

    • Audience

      You can whitelist or blacklist users based on Device IDs that you have collected using an Audience List. To create one, refer to the Audience Creation guide.

      Note: The system needs time to process Audience Lists. Do check on the Status in the Audiences page. There is a maximum of 100 million devices per file, with each file having a maximum 10MB size limit. If your file breaches any of the limits, please split the file and create a new one. You can include multiple lists in your campaign setup and reuse audiences across multiple campaigns.

    • App List

      You can white list or black list specific App Bundle IDs and Placement IDs (for app) as well as URLs (for mobile web) to ensure ads run only on designated supply sources. You can get these IDs from Reports or from the Running Apps section of the Campaign View page.

    • App Bundle ID:

      Unique identifier for an app on all exchanges. Typically, iOS Bundle IDs have a numerical format (e.g. 1617391485) while Android Bundle IDs have an alphabetical format (e.g. com.example.myapp). To get this value, you may use the macro {APP_BUNDLE}.

    • Placement ID:

      Alphanumeric ID for an app which is specific to an exchange. To get this value, you may use the macro {EXCHANGE_ID}_{APP_ID}.


      You can create an App List during campaign creation itself or create it in advance through the App List tab of your account. To create one, refer to the App List Creation guide.

    • IP List

      You can whitelist or blacklist users based on IP Addresses that you have collected using an IP List. To get this value, you may use the macro {USER_IP}.

      You can only create an IP List during campaign creation itself, by uploading or dropping the file into the relevant field. A link to a sample .csv file is provided for your reference as well.

      There is a maximum of 1 file per upload, 1 million IPs and 1GB size limit per file. Each entry should be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 format. Ranges such as are accepted, however, this will count towards the 1 million maximum limit.

      Note: While you can select from the relevant dropdown and reuse Audience Lists and App Lists across multiple campaigns, you cannot do the same for IP Lists. Each file (even if it is the same file) has to be uploaded manually into each campaign.

    • Manually Blacklisted Apps (BL only)

      Apps that you have manually blacklisted for the campaign will appear in this segment. The list is unique only to the campaign itself. You can click on the ‘eye’ icon to view the IDs that have been blacklisted. To create one, refer to the Manual Blacklist Creation guide.

      Note: Apps that are manually blacklisted will take some time before moving from Running to Blacklist section of the Dashboard.

04 Creatives

Before you start working on the creatives, we suggest you go through the Creative Specifications and Guidelines as well as the Macro Tracking articles.

In this section, you will upload new creative assets based on the Creative Type selected. If you are looking to edit existing assets, refer to the Creative Editing Guide.

  • Image

    Images are simple and easy to produce. They can be static or animated as GIFs.

    • Creative Main Category & Creative Sub Category

      Select the relevant category for your campaign. If Sub Category is not available, you may leave it blank.

    • Default URLs - Click & Impression URL

      Input the respective URLs or trackers in these fields. Click URL is mandatory, Impression URL is not.

    • Creative Size

      You may leave the field blank as it will automatically recognise the dimensions of the files you upload.

    • Image Upload Box

      You can upload one or several creatives via drag & drop or the browse button. Image creatives have to be uploaded in JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF format with a max filesize of 10MB per file.

      If you upload an unsupported creative size, you will be see an error message:

      Files that are successfully uploaded will be given a Creative ID and will take on the URL(s) indicated above. If you are planning to have separate URLs for each creative, you may amend it in the relevant fields for each creative.

      You may go to the next step (Bid Multiplier) or click the Save Campaign button.

  • HTML

    The Interactive HTML aims to deliver an engaging interactive user experience, while also offering the benefit of gathering users responses.

    • Creative Main Category & Creative Sub Category

      Select the relevant category for your campaign. If Sub Category is not available, you may leave it blank.

    • Creative Name

      Input the name of the creative. We suggest that you keep to a specific nomenclature for all your creative names as this will show up in Reports.

    • HTML - JS Type

      By default, PLAIN HTML - JS is selected. If you are running an MRAID creative, select that instead.

    • Rewarded HTML

      Check the box if this is meant to run as a Rewarded ad placement, which offers users a reward for opting in to watch the creative. Creative will be unskippable for the first 30 seconds. By default, this field is unchecked.

    • Creative Attributes

      Select relevant Creative Attributes applicable to the creative, such as Audio Ad or Expandable.

    • Creative Size

      Select the correct Creative Size from the dropdown list.

    • Creative Code

      Creative Code can be snippets of raw HTML (or JS) code, for example:

      <a href=""><img src="http://nike320x50.jpg"> </a><script src=""><script><style>INCLUDE CSS STYLE</style><img src="https://impression-pixel-url">

      or full HTML documents, for example:

      <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="26408100"></div><script id="scrid" src="{EXCHANGE_NAME}&camp_id=Nord_us_ios_manual&source=manual&bundle_id={APP_BUNDLE}&idfa={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}"></script> </body> </html>


      • Code should include the click macro {HTML_CLICK_URL}. This is to ensure GSM360 is able to track clicks and display those clicks in the dashboard.

      • Code should not contain <iframe> due to rendering and reporting issues.

      • Code should not include single-line comments: // or <!--

      • Code should be minified, which is the process of removing unnecessary characters and white spaces from a source code file without affecting its functionality.

      • All references to external assets must be absolute URLs instead of relative URLs and HTTPS instead of HTTP.

    • Creative Screenshot

      You can upload the image asset or a screenshot of your creative via drag & drop or the browse button. Accepted formats are JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF format with a max filesize of 700kb.

      Once done, click the + Create HTML Creative button. Repeat the steps for other creative sizes, versions or codes.

      You may go to the next step (Bid Multiplier) or click the Save Campaign button.

  • Video

    Video creatives follow the VAST protocol, a standard defined by the IAB to ensure seamless communication between ad servers and video players when serving video ads.

    • Creative Main Category & Creative Sub Category

      Select the relevant category for your campaign. If Sub Category is not available, you may leave it blank.

    • Upload / Vast Direct

      By default, the option is to Upload the video file. If you are using Vast Direct instead, click the relevant button.

    • Creative Name

      Input the name of the creative. We suggest that you keep to a specific nomenclature for all your creative names as this will show up in Reports.

    • Rewarded Video

      Check the box if this is meant to run as a Rewarded ad placement, which offers users a reward for opting in to watch the creative. Creative will be unskippable for the first 30 seconds. By default, this field is unchecked.

    • Video (Upload)

      You can upload one or several creatives via drag & drop or the browse button. Video creatives have to be uploaded in MP4 format with a max filesize of 10MB per file.

      Files that are successfully uploaded will be given a Creative ID. You can then input the relevant URLs for the creatives. Click URL is mandatory, Impression URL is not.

    • End Card Section

      End Cards are Image creatives that are displayed either upon video completion or after skipping the video (on skippable placements). They provide an additional instance for the user to interact with your creative and can have a significant impact on your creatives’ performance.

      Select the relevant Aspect Ratio from the dropdown list. You can then upload one or several creatives via drag & drop or the browse button. Image creatives have to be uploaded in JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF format with a max filesize of 700kB per file.

    • Video (VAST Direct)

      You have the option of adding videos by VAST XML URL or VAST XML Code. Using this method allows you to serve the video creative directly from your own first-party advertiser’s ad server instead of using the GeoSpot CDN (Content Delivery Network).

      Once done, click the + Create Video Creative button. Repeat the steps for other creative sizes or versions.

You may go to the next step (Bid Multiplier) or click the Save Campaign button.

  • Native

    Native ads fit seamlessly into the look and feel of non-advertising content units, which improves engagement and overall user experience. These ads complement the form, design and function of their environment, delivering a less intrusive user experience as a result.

    • Creative Main Category & Creative Sub Category

      Select the relevant category for your campaign. If Sub Category is not available, you may leave it blank.

    • Creative Name

      Input the name of the creative. We suggest that you keep to a specific nomenclature for all your creative names as this will show up in Reports.

    • URLs - Click, Impression & App URL

      Input the respective URLs or trackers in these fields. Click URL is mandatory, Impression URL is not.

    • Title

      We recommend using the app name as the Title. There is a maximum of 25 characters including spaces.

    • Star Rating

      Indicate the number of stars

    • Icon

      You can upload the icon via drag & drop or the browse button. The creative has to be uploaded in JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF format with a max filesize of 700kB per file. Dimensions should be minimally 256x256 px and aspect ratio should be 1:1.

    • Image

      You can upload the image via drag & drop or the browse button. The creative has to be uploaded in JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF format with a max filesize of 700kB per file. Dimensions should be 1200x627px.

    • Description

      This is where your Native ad copy goes. There is a maximum of 90 characters including spaces.

    • Call To Action

      This is where your CTA goes. Examples are: ‘Discover More’ or ‘Click Here’. There is a maximum of 15 characters including spaces.

05 Bid Multiplier

In this section, you will be able to enable or disable Bid Multipliers to further optimize your campaign. Bid Multipliers allows you to increase or decrease your bid price per specific targeting parameters. By default, this is switched off. If you are not planning to put any Bid Multipliers, you can proceed to click the Save Campaign button.

To switch it on, click the Enable Bid Multiplier button.

The default multiplier value is set as '1'. If you do not edit the default settings, then the bid price will not change. In order to increase or decrease the bid price, you need to put your preferred multiplier value.

The Max Applicable Bid Multiplier Value is set at 15. This is the maximum multiplier value set at a campaign level and the sum value of all the attributes multiplied cannot be greater than 15.

For each of the targeting parameters, you can edit by clicking the pencil icon. In the pop-up that follows, you can then input the Multiplier value and an Expiry Date, which is useful if you want a temporary solution.

The targeting parameters are:

  • Bundle ID

    You can input the App Bundle IDs that you want to optimize in the Bundle ID field.

    An App Bundle ID is:

    A unique identifier for an app on all exchanges. Typically, iOS Bundle IDs have a numerical format (e.g. 1617391485) while Android Bundle IDs have an alphabetical format (e.g. com.example.myapp). To get this value, you may use the macro {APP_BUNDLE}.

    You can get these IDs from Reports or from the Running Apps section of the Campaign View page.

    In the Bundle ID Bid Multipliers popup, input the Multiplier value, Bundle ID and Expiry Date (optional). Click the + button to add the entry, then click the Save button. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

  • Placement ID

    You can input the Placement IDs that you want to optimize in the Bundle ID field.

    A Placement ID is:

    A unique Alphanumeric ID for an app which is specific to an exchange. To get this value, you may use the macro {EXCHANGE_ID}_{APP_ID}.


    You can get these IDs from Reports or from the Running Apps section of the Campaign View page.

    In the Placement ID Bid Multipliers popup, input the Multiplier value, Placement ID and Expiry Date (optional). Click the + button to add the entry, then click the Save button. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

  • Exchange

    In the Exchanges Bid Multipliers popup, input the Multiplier value, then select the Exchange from the dropdown list and input Expiry Date (optional). Click the + button to add the entry, then click the Save button. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

  • Network Type

    In the Network Type Bid Multiplier popup, input the Multiplier value, then select either Wi-Fi or Cellular and input Expiry Date (optional), then click the Save button. You can only select one option for the Network Type parameter. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

  • Device Identifier

    In the Device Identifier Bid Multiplier popup, input the Multiplier value, then select either Present or Missing and input Expiry Date (optional), then click the Save button. You can only select one option for the Device Identifier parameter. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

  • Location

    In the Location Bid Multipliers popup, input the Multiplier value, then select Country from the dropdown list and input Expiry Date (optional). The countries listed are what you have pre-selected in the Countries segment within the Targeting section. Click the + button to add the entry, then click the Save button. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

  • Rewarded Ad

    In the Rewarded Ad Bid Multiplier popup, input the Multiplier value, then select either Rewarded or Non Rewarded and input Expiry Date (optional), then click the Save button. You can only select one option for the Rewarded Ad parameter. To edit the entry in the future, click the pencil icon again and adjust accordingly. To remove the entry, simply click the X button.

All the selected parameters that you have saved will be displayed on the same page. Click the Save Campaign button to finish the setup.

Approval Process

Upon saving your new campaign, you will be brought to the Campaigns tab of your account. The status of the new campaign is Pending.

The Account Management team will check the entire campaign setup and approve based on criteria such as Creative Category, Ad Copy, Exchange selection etc. The team will be in constant communication (preferably via Skype) with you and will inform once campaign is approved. The status will then move to Paused.

You can then take the campaign live by clicking the three dots next to the Campaign ID, and selecting Run. The status will then be changed to Running.

- END -

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