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Creative Guidelines
GSM360 Support avatar
Written by GSM360 Support
Updated this week


  • Creatives must contain the brand name or logo so that there is no ambiguity.

  • Creatives must be related to or promote the content of the landing page.

  • Flashy ads are not allowed.

  • Ads with misleading or deceptive claims are prohibited, such as “Get Rich Quick” or “Lose 10kg in 2 weeks”.

  • Windows Dialog or Alert Style (e.g Any creative that a user might mistake for an OS or application-level notification rather than an advertisement): This includes, but is not limited to, deceptive ads that resemble user interface elements (e.g text boxes) and creatives that mimic buttons or icons that claim a functionality that is not there (e.g Play, Chat, Wink, Friends, Search Buttons)

  • “Click-to-Call” phone numbers must connect end-users to the advertiser’s business. Toll or fee-based phone numbers that require additional payment by the caller are prohibited.

  • Creatives are not allowed to auto-redirect to any web page or app stores without prior users' interaction.

  • Creatives are not allowed to auto-load any video content without prior users' interaction.

  • No auto-downloading of files should be observed with creatives or landing pages.

  • Malware – Creative that contains, instals, links to, or prompts the download of any malware, Trojan horse, virus, or any other malicious code.

  • Phishing – Creative designed to obtain information from a user under false pretences (e.g. attempting to extract financial information by posing as a legitimate company, etc.).

Prohibited Creative Attributes

  • Pop (e.g Over, Under, or Upon Exit), Expandable (Automatic) ads that automatically expand without the user’s engagement or action (e.g Click or Touch), Auto-redirect etc.

  • Ads that do not ask the user for permission before initiating any downloads/ installations/ services / fees. This includes Click-to-Call and Click-to-Subscribe ads that do not include an intermediary landing page or other prompts that clearly explains the terms and/or fees associated with the call or subscription.

Restricted Content

Advertisers may run ads that contain the following content, or that promote the following categories of products and services, only if it is permitted by exchanges in the targeted markets:

  • Alcohol Content

  • Financial Services

  • Gambling/Lotteries/Betting

  • Health and Pharmaceutical Products and Services

  • Political Campaigning

  • Weight Loss

  • Dating

  • Adult Products

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